Ink Cleaning/Mercury Spill Remediation, Western New York


  • Asbestos abatement of existing steam lines
  • Industrial ink cleaning
  • Mercury spill identification and remediation
  • T&D of all contaminated materials to DEC approved landfill

A local plastic manufacturing company hired SES to tackle various environmental issues resulting from prior industrial operations. These included identifying hazardous waste, asbestos pipe insulation removal, and floor tile and mastic removal.

The asbestos abatement extended to addressing long steam line pipe chases and removing two layers of vinyl flooring with underlying mastic. During this process, SES discovered a mercury spill, leading to a broader investigation. Three spill locations were identified, and SES was tasked with remediating all affected areas.

Despite space constraints and the requirement to keep the facility running, SES efficiently isolated and cleaned up the contamination without causing disruptions.